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Kay Why And EE.

Thursday, April 22, 2010 @ 6:00 AM


OOO, finally start a new post after 5 days! These few days were pretty much basketballing everyday. Supposed to have basketball training today but the coach let us go off because of our class tests tomorrow. AND YES, TOMORROW'S GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY AND HIGHER CHINESE TEST. OH MY GODDDD. Went to Jurong East library to study with Brandon, Xavier and Wen Siang. We had loads of fun! Sigh. Better go study now!


Friday, April 16, 2010 @ 6:49 AM

In order to succeed, we must first believe we can. Mistakes are just part of life, and they're portals of discovery. They look down on you, laugh at you and fight against you. If you put in all your heart, all your soul and all your strength, you win. Doubt your doubts and believe your beliefs, that's the key to everything. Hopeless is nothing, we must hope for everything. Just believe.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 @ 4:26 AM

HELLO EVERYONE! Kyne is back from 2 days of no posts! Did you all miss me! :D Anyway, today was a fun day.

Went to school and the random girl took my favourite table AGAIN. DAMN IT. Doesn't she know that KYNE uses that table? GRRR. Then I bought Meiji strawberry milk again. :D Never get tired of delicious milky goodness!

After school, the basketballers and I went to Queensway Shopping Centre to order the team bags. They booked 9 of the bags, while Chia Chih and I collected them today. DAMN COOL LAH. Its a nike haversack with a compartment below to store your shoes!

Then, we went to Kallang Netball Centre to support the netballers! It was a close game, but they lost in the end. Sigh, but national top 8 is really really really really good!

Finally, cabbed home with xavier, chia chih and marvin. Freakin $27 cab fare-.-

Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 1:58 AM

Mentally want to rise from the bed but physically don't want to. HAHAHAHA. Woke up at 7.45am, and dragged myself to the bathroom to bathe and change. Cab-ed to Paya Lebar for church sevice and FUEL. Service was fun!

Then, went to Beauty World to have lunch, YONG TAU FOO. Went to West Mall after lunch to shop, and I managed to get a pair of black-coloured Nike socks! COOL!

Went home and now i'm stuck at home creating this post. D:

Bye for now!

Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 6:25 AM


Woke up early in the morning at 7, and whipped out my phone to send a text to Rachel, wishing her a fantabulous fat fifteenth birthday! Then, rushed to the loo, and changed into pe shirt and basketball shorts, and got ready for basketball training!

Took a ride on 106 to school, and reached at 8.59! PUNCTUALITY IS IMPORTANT! HAHAHA. Then opened the cage to take out basketballs for everyone, including me, and shot a few.

After training, went out with the guys to Queensway Shopping Centre, to look for a new school bag. We went to eat the laksa there too. It was DELICIOUS. We decided on a black and red nike haversack which looks really cool.

After that, train-ed to jurong east with brandon and xavier, and finally bus-ed home.

Okay i'm busy drinking my Magnolia milk! GOODBYE!

Friday, April 9, 2010 @ 5:05 AM

Reached school at 6.50am, later than usual as I was stuck to the bed. Then, some random girl took the table that the basketballers and I sat every morning. She looked like some "china maid" according to Brandon. LOL. So, I bought 2 bottles of Meiji strawberry milk, one for me and the other, Brandon.

During recess, I got another 2 bottles of Meiji strawberry milk, this time, both are MINE:D Then I got some delicious waffles from the snack store.

More Meiji milk was drunk by Kyne during lunch. Wow, never get tired of milk heh.

FINALLY, school ends, and me, Brandon, Marvin, Kentley, Xavier, and Xavier went to KFC to get some fried chicken. I got an Ultimate Value Box which was partly sponsored by Marvin from his voucher. AND BOOM, the BIG FAT FRIED CRISPY CHICKEN in the box was gone. It was a BIG FAT meal.

After that, we all went home by MRT. Good day!

Thursday, April 8, 2010 @ 5:53 AM

Heehee, we won Dunearn Secondary School 59-27, good game! Looking forward to the next basketball c div match. Maybe the reason why we won today was that I slept early like 9pm! Hahaha, we did a pretty good job overall, but some of us got injured. Like me, Marvin and Brandon, all got leg injuries. I fell on my knees after getting tripped by some moron during the match. And now my knees are hurting really badly! Aww mann, have to rest and recover quickly!
Well, I think i'm off to sleep now! So bye!


Kyne Low
Hey! I'm thirteen and Kyne* is my name! I'm from NanHuaHigh, C Division basketball TEAM. That's, pretty much all you need to know. OH! And by the way, i'm a hundred and seventy-eight centimetres tall. HAH! BEAT THAT!

*NOTE: Kyne is pronounced KEEN.



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